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Working with the 4 Elements as Allies

Our connection to Mother Earth has been lost through the modern day lifestyle. Many clients I see rarely go outside or even know how to connect in with Her to utilize the gifts she has brought us. If we are unaware of how to work with the essence of her blessings, we are missing out on great gifts to assist us in our life.

When I look into clients’ Earth Star chakra and see how disconnected they are from Earth, I want to share with them all the wonderful ways to get connected. I see that they are holding onto a lot of stress and it’s staying within their energy field instead of cycling. Being stuck and stagnant is not our designed blueprint. Our unique designed print is to flow and have creation!

I used to think it was about taking walks through the woods and while this is true (grounding connection is extremely important), I want to show you another level you can experience by working with Her.

The Elements

Having allies are a beautiful way to have a relationship. We can actually work with the elements as they can work with us mutually. The four elements to work with are air, earth, fire and water. I’m going to share with you one of my personal experiences working with the elements.

I have always been fond of trees. I love how they have different barks and how I’m attracted to white bark or birch trees. I love how they all have different shapes and characteristics. I notice their personalities too. Some of them are really strong, some are dependent upon the surrounding ones, some have carried hoocha (or lower) energy. I know this because I talk to them. It’s one of the connections that come easily to me.

The time I let a tree down

One day I was driving the same route to work I had driven for 4 years. I happen to look to the right and connected in with a tree. It just “got my attention.” In my mind I heard, “Take a picture of me.” I was taken back! Did a tree just ask me to take a photo of it?? I must be losing my mind. To make me even more crazy, I responded back! “Okay, I will, but not today!” I drove to work thinking how I must be losing my mind.

The next day it rained. As I drove to work I looked over at the tree and thought I’m not going to get all wet! I silently said in my head, “I’ll take a picture tomorrow!”

The next day I went to pass the tree, I was dumbfounded. I was passing on the road to a bunch of men with a rope around the tree. They were going to take it down! I instantly felt crushed. I should have stopped and taken a photo of the tree.

Building Relationship to Create Allies

From this experience, I started to connect in with trees more often. You would think I have a picture book of my favorite ones, but its on the list this year!

When I am feeling low on energy, I use the elements to connect with, specifically trees. I will ask if I can use the trees energy to give me vitality. I do have trees that tell me no. And if they say no, I move to another one.

When I was extremely sick in Boulder, Colorado, the only thing I wanted to do was to climb the mountain. We went to the top of the mountain and sat there for a bit. It was the peaceful, serene and gave me charge.

Sound far fetched? Its not and we should really be connecting in with these gifts more often. We have lost touch with all the things they provide for our every day lives!

When working with an element and as it becomes your ally you can always call upon it. It’s a mutual relationship. In shamanism, I have learned that when we have these allies, they will have our back.

I knew a shaman who could command the wind

A shaman who was really connected in with the element of air, was out at dinner with friends. He was in a part of the world that unfortunately, bombers are still very present. His friends wanted to eat at this outdoor restaurant and he had an awful feeling about it. He didn’t know why but he trusts his instincts. The group of people he was with really wanted to go to this new place and although he suggested to go somewhere else, they insisted on this hotspot. As they were walking to the outdoor restaurant, he decided to ask the wind for assistance. All of a sudden these big gushes of wind came through making it impossible to eat outdoors. They decided to attend another place. As they were eating, they heard the loud booms of a bomber. The wind saved them.

I’m sure you have also heard of rain dances in Native American cultures. These dancers are associated with the element of water. When there is a drought beautiful dances are done in communion with the elements.

We don’t take advantage of the elements instead we work with them and in communion. They are there for us as we are there for them. Mutual Relationship.

You will have a dominant element

We are all made up of the 4 elements within our very fabric of existence. You probably have a dominant element that leads. For me, I have a lot of earth energy. I decorate with trees, plants, crystals, etc. in my house all the time. My work was filled with these elements, however you would see very little water. It just wasn’t an active element in my life until I learned to work with it.

Are you missing an element in your life?

I once went to a Chinese herbalist who spoke very little to me. All I could hear him say was “too much air, not enough water.” His assistant would provide the rest of the info!

Too much Air: Too much air is a person who is moving from project to project or is considered too much in their thoughts. Usually this type of person lacks earth or grounding.

Lack water element? People who lack the water element may also lack in emotions finding it difficult to feel empathy.

Disorganized? You would be lacking the earth element to keep you grounded.

Missing your passion? When fire lacks, you may feel like you have no passion or no desire to succeed and push through.

As a recap, we need to reconnect with the elements.

They can assist us in our growth and transformation in all ways. To ignore them is to ignore the gifts and blessings they can help you in your life. Once you are strong with an ally, you can call upon them for healing yourself and others. It’s a win-win for both!

If you are feeling stagnant or want a deeper connection to life, start working with them!

Leave me a comment, what element are you drawn to the most?

Would you like an elemental reading?

Another level of working with the elements. I can look at a specific situation of how to pull in the energies or look at your overall energy to see where personal growth would benefit you the most.