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The Power of Crystal Reiki Symbols

In Crystal Reiki and in many various types of reiki (Usui, Holy Fire, Egyptian, etc.) we are given symbols to which we are “attuned” to. This means a symbol is placed into our etheric body and passed through all of our levels (spiritual, mental, emotional and physical). You then have access to using these specific symbols at any time.

Universal Language of Symbols

When people see symbols, they generally get a sense of the meaning behind it. For example, we all know a stop sign represents to stop, a red light means to stop as well. They become these universal messages for everyone without much words.

Symbols are also a powerful way of how your guides will connect with you.

There are messages within the symbols that your Spirit Team will pass to you. Sometimes, it’s not a universal message. Sometimes its our own personal message that you need to decipher.

When I am speaking with Spirit or even your loved ones, they speak through symbols. For example, I may see a red car and although I may personally not understand the meaning behind a red car, the sitter will. Spirit uses both my mind bank and the sitters to get a message across through the use of symbols. This has two benefits: 1. They will use less energy to get the message across to me 2. The symbol is something that can be interpreted in a message.

Symbols for Healing

Let’s say I am attuning you to Crystal Reiki 1 and I’m giving you the first five symbols. You will receive 1. a visual of a symbol 2. a definition of what that symbol means. Therefore, every time you see that symbol your mind will connect, “Oh that’s the symbol for grounding or centering or connecting with my guides, etc.” This puts a clear imprint in your conscious mind of how the symbol will be used.

If I am giving someone a healing session and all of a sudden a symbol ‘pops’ in my mind, I know that I am directed to use it in their healing session. And why is this important?

Symbols bring the Unconscious to the Conscious

You will find in my work that I focus primarily on just a few things: archetypes, soul lessons and balanced energy. I find these things to be universal and essential to everyone.

Let’s take tarot cards for example. Tarot cards are also perfect representations of symbolism.

When I see clients for readings, I am not so concerned about the details but the larger picture of the story they are performing (archetypes) and how can we guide the soul through better experiences. Sometimes Spirit will show me a tarot card in my mind (a symbol) to represent the situation at hand. Think of this way as shorthand writing!

A client may not be aware of the bigger picture (the archetype or story) however by working with symbols you get a clear shot of what’s going on in one quick image!

Symbols for Manifestation Healing

In Crystal Reiki, you are attuned to 3 levels which very in symbolism from aspects of health, to preparing your energy field, to stepping into the spiritual realm, crossing people over and more.

When you apply these symbols you may notice a few things. For example, when I give someone an External Energy Symbol to heal a skin condition, I actually see the symbol going through their etheric body and into their physical body. Because the symbol is of higher frequency than the condition, the etheric body will either reject or accept it.

Sometimes a symbol is rejected from the field because the template the person is holding onto has unresolved unconscious things or old beliefs going on. Symbols will bring to light the unconscious so it can be healed. The more often your template (or blueprint) gets downloaded the symbol, the more your template will adjust to the new conditions being applied.

People who have their “third eye open” can actually “see” the symbols other people may be using in their field! For example if you use the violet fire often, your auric field will also reflect that which you put into it. I can literally see when someone uses this frequency.

Same as symbols. You want to have your field energetically imprinted with high frequencies. Symbols (intentionally set) are the way to go! You are literally manifesting the healing you want into your design or blueprint. You are consciously creating the way you want to manifest and live.

In conclusion, symbols assist us on our journey. They have been around for a very long time. Once you start consciously working with symbols, you can change your life and even your energy blueprint. You can call forth what’s important for you, what you need and make adjustments so the symbols are set in your field.

Working with Crystal Reiki (or any kind of symbols) will actively get you set on the path of creation to your desired manifestation.

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