Crystal Reiki Center 6 Elements Reading

6 Elements Reading

This is one of my favorite readings because it prepares you to continue your work with the elements in a new level even after the reading. Being able to work with the elements is very powerful. As we ask the elements for assistance, we start to work with them in deeper profound ways.

The elements are our oldest ancestors. Before there was anything else, there was earth, air, fire, and water. They bring us essence energies and gifts, we can cultivate a relationship with the elements.

They can help you create balance and harmony and see qualities you may want to incorporate more of into your life.  

What is a reading about?

Before our session beings, please bring forth a problem that you may be experiencing. I will pull crystals to prior to the reading.

We call upon the elements to assists and work with us in creating harmony and balance and deepening our relationship with them.

The Elements:

Each element brings forth a certain energy of frequency to assist you.

FIRE: Transmutes
WATER: Emotions
AIR: Mental Body
EARTH: Grounding forces
SPIRIT: Wisdom from Higher Dimensions and planes
HEART: Wisdom of our Higher Self

This reading is very powerful to unlocking those deep things that we need resolved within. Here is a story from a client who loves this reading.

To find out more, check out this episode on the Crystal Element Guidance!