Crystal Reiki Center Blog,Uncategorized 3 BIG YES TO MANIFEST


You are so powerful that you are a co-creator with Spirit on this Earth. You may not even realize how powerful you are. But you are. There’s no doubt about it. I don’t even know you, but I know what you are capable of. I know you were born with the brightest Light from within. I know that this Light is part of the Creator him/herself. And therefore I know you.

I am part of that Light too. As we have been transitioning through the years so has our energetic blueprint and even our manifestations. I was taking a workshop with Shaman Puma and he was speaking about how we don’t need to suffer anymore. That our suffering days are gone. It used to be that we had to suffer in order to see or come through to the Light. However with the New Aquarian Age, we do not need to suffer. We can choose to suffer, but we don’t need to anymore. I choose empowerment. I choose Oneness. I choose the Light. What do you choose?

We have one of the most powerful tools there is, our words. We don’t need to fight to prove a point, but use our words to manifest the outcomes we choose to see. We forget how powerful we are at times.

You are a co-creator. It’s time you know this and put this into effective use. Right now it is our job to learn how to effectively use our manifesting powers to create the desires that we need and want to see. And the first step is to acknowledge that you are a co-creator with Spirit. That your words are important. That you, create a ripple effect to others everywhere.


For a number of reasons, but what I want to address today is the fact that many people feel the Universe is just not listening!

How many times have you asked the Universe for something and you didn’t get it? That relationship you want, a new car, new house, new job, etc. Maybe its taking vacations or having a big farm….. what if you put it out to the Universe and it just didn’t happen?

Where does your mind go? What negative thoughts come about from this?

One of the rules in manifesting is to ask and let it go.

That’s right, not hang on to the perfect picture that you have created in your mind. Why? Because then you are not allowing the Universe to do its thing. When we hang on, we don’t have faith. Again, you are co-creator. 🙂

The Universe is listening to you all the time. It does not joke. It doesn’t know sarcasm. It knows exactly what you put out. So choose your words wisely. At all times.

And once you send your request, let it go. It’s up to the Universe to do the rest.

My life

There have been times in my life where I financially hit low. So I turned to the Universe. Hey there! I need some help. Can you send some money my way.? I have had clients give me huge tips (a few hundred) because they felt like they wanted to. I had relatives send me money out of the blue. I’ve had an abundance of clients show up at my door and why, because I asked.

I needed a new vehicle and I looked at all the options there were. My heart really was drawn to a jeep. I wasn’t sure if I could afford or even qualify for it financially. Sorry, claiming psychic on an app doesn’t get you far! I haven’t technically have a corporate “job” since 2012. So imagine going in with no credit and here I wanted a jeep. So, I asked the Universe to pull some strings for me and my request was granted.

I was looking for homes for 7 months and our time was running really short. We were hitting the two week mark and still didn’t have a home to move into or direction to go. I turned to the Universe. Hey – this is the kind of house I really want…. can you move this forward? Wish granted. The perfect home in fact!

I needed to have closure to a relationship, even after a decade. I turned to the Universe. “I would like to have the opportunity to ask for forgiveness. If this healing process needs to occur, please put this person in front of me so I can have the opportunity to apologize.” Done deal. Two weeks later I was out in a public place and literally ran into her. We talked for two hours in the store. I said my peace.

I’m sure you are getting the point by my examples. Manifestations can be big or small, but it has to be in co-creation! 50-50% between you and Creator.

Take Aways to Manifesting

  1. Be very aware of your language and words. What you speak to the Universe is what you will receive.
  2. Ask and then let it go. You can’t be human self in control! Release it to the Divine.
  3. One of the quickest ways to manifest your desires is to raise your vibration. Working with the Law of Vibration, you will be able to do so to match the frequencies of that which you want to bring in your life.

Join us in the Crystal Manifesting Academy!

I have included this workshop, Vibrational Manifestation to jump start you into your dreams and desires.

This on demand workshop will show you exactly what level your frequency is at and how to increase it to achieve your desired manifestations.

It’s truly time we step forward and co-create consciously for ourselves and the world. Since you are creating all the time (if you are aware of it or not) we must step up our game to create With Intention. With Love. With Light.

If you are ready to manifest not only your desires but make an impact on the world, start doing so with CONSCIOUS INTENTION. The Crystal Manifestation Academy will give you the tools to make this a reality.

With Love and Gratitude,
