Crystal Reiki Center Blog,Uncategorized 3 Card Archetype Reading

3 Card Archetype Reading

To every situation, there is an energy flow. Everything is made up from energy. Sometimes we get so stuck in the situation that we forget to look at the energy frequency around a situation.

I’m going to walk you through this archetypal layout and how to use the information.

SITUATION: Carol came to me because she was feeling stuck on her HEALTH. Without looking at the cause of dis-ease, we looked at the energy flow. This reflected in the archetypal structures that she was playing in her life.

Energy of Situation:
Student Archetype

The student archetype reflects a time of gathering information, knowledge and studying up on what is available. When I pulled this card out, she told me that she has been in “research” stage for years. She came to me because she thought there may be a spiritual aspect to it that she’s missing.

Shadow Aspect: Thief

It appeared that Carol was sabotaging her own progress. When we look at the thief, she is in fact stealing from herself the opportunity of healing and moving forward. Thieves take what they want without thinking twice and she was not making any lifestyle or medicine changes at all. She was staying the same and doing as she pleased. In fact, she was hurting herself the most. She was floating on “borrowed” time. She had armored herself with knowledge, but was low on health.

Light Aspect: Victim

When in the Light, the Victim finds their power. The victim archetype has a fear that they cannot survive or will not survive. And when there’s a victim, there’s a villain…meet the thief. One of the most difficult things to do is transform the victim archetype, however the payoffs are well worth it. HERE lies the work, the transformation.

I also did a quick chakra check and found out that she had the DESTROYER archetype in her solar plexus.

Bonus: Found the Chakra that was influencing her shadow aspect the most!

The destroyer can be a positive archetype but in this case, it was hurting her.

In my line of work, I use shamanic practices and crystal reiki to work with the energy and give her tools to move forward.

Belief System: I am no value.

I found two crucial events in her life that played a major role on a core belief she has in her template body of I am no value. With core beliefs of I have no value sticking in the etheric field, no wonder she is having a hard time finding valuing her health to even take care of herself!

We started using sessions to dialogue with the archetypes through shamanic journeying. Kind of like active players in her life to tell her what she needs to be aware of.

We even re-wrote the story to upgrade her belief system and cleared out the energy after the new was brought in. She started using a crystal and light rays to increase the vibrancy of her field.

The key ingredient to assist her was helping her cultivate compassion.

In the end…

Carol couldn’t blame the Spiritual realm or her soul for choosing something she felt she had no control over. This was her victim archetype speaking. “Heal me! I don’t know what to do….”

As I continue to work with Carol, she is making strides. She joined an online health group with likeminded people and is being active in her road for recovery.

There is so much information you can receive from a 3-Card reading. You can use tarot or oracle cards to assist you in direction if you don’t have archetype cards.

Archetype Session:

I work in ONE area of your life at a time. There are 12 areas all together. We work on really getting down to the nitty gritty and the root of the shadow aspect of the archetypes you are carrying. Fee $150. Send an email to to book.