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Ancestral Healing for the World

A big part of my work as a healer, has been working with the ancestors. The people who are part of the client’s blood lineage that have stepped into the Light. During our autumn season, and part of the ritual of walking the medicine wheel, I dedicate this time to honoring and thanking them for their service.

One day as I was sending healing to a client, I saw in their heart chakra that they were grieving for their loved one. I asked my spirit team, is Grandmom available to come in so I can give this woman the peace she needs? My request was granted. As I started to channel the words from Grandmom, my client released tears of peace running down her face. It was a connection that human Amber could not have performed, but the ancestors could. I give all the credit to them.

I have seen loved ones on the other side transition lower-unwell family members into the Light. I have witnessed time and time again family members of the clients give peace to the living. I have seen karmic patterns and curses broken with the ancestors assistance. They need us as much as we need them. We are part of them as much as they are part of us. They are our DNA.

Not every ancestor is healthy and has gone into the Light. There are many who do not for various reasons. They can impact our energy field as much as we impact theirs.

When we remember the way a person has transitioned in a unhealthy manor, it keeps an energetic imprint in their energy field. The living is influencing the deceased. When the deceased is around our energy field and speaking to us (unknowingly perhaps) they are influencing our energy as well. This can be in positive or negative ways .

Realizing the many potentials of working with ancestors, one big reason has always stuck out to me. The opportunity to heal. Everyone needs healing. You and I hold the key. A lot of people spend their energy telling others how to act and be in the physical world. What is right in our culture and what is wrong. But what is hardly spoken of is how a different approach will also assist our humankind. Healing the decades of patterning in our DNA, healing our karmic debts, healing the sick, healing belief patterns. We have a lot of opportunity to create new energy for our children to come. Yes, its’ going to take dedication. Yes, it’s going to take work. But it’s truly rewarding when you see results that are not filled for the less favorable outcome. It’s a different approach with results that we have not yet seen in this world on a collective level.

When your loved ones transition, they only leave the physical world but their Spirit is very much alive. When we continue to include them in our lives, they can assist us in ways that we never thought imaginable. They will continue to surprise you in the most miraculous ways possible.

During the autumn season, remember to give blessings, gratitude and love to your ancestors. As they will do the same in return. Let’s bring everyone home together.

If you would like to learn more about working with your ancestral team, check out the Crystal Cave Membership from November – January 1st. I