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Ancestral Pattern Healing

We learn from our parents, who learned from theirs, who learned from theirs, and so up the family lineage line we go. We pass down good things and patterns not so good. Views and beliefs of how we should act, who we should be, who we should become etc., all get passed down. As we grow as a human consciousness, we can make deep changes to the things that presented themselves as challenges.

Clients have sent healing to patterns of alcoholism, abundance issues, addictions, hurts, pains and sorrows, grief, loss loved ones and even curses. There is no stopping the amount of healing you can provide!

I always want to mention here, that you are in an important space. Being in this 3D world, you have the power to send healing all around you. What you do, really matters. Every action you take will have a reaction. It doesn’t matter if you take a baby step or a large leap, your actions matter. The energy world is easily influenced by the choices you are making right now.

Do you speak to your ancestors? Are you healing their patterns? Are you healing your future lineage to come? You can do all of this. It takes time and commitment to create profound changes in your world, and definitely worth it! The Universe hears your request and answers freely.

If you are attuned to crystal reiki, place the Seven Pointed Star into your crystals to aid in sending chi or pranic energy to all generations. If you are not crystal reiki attuned, I encourage you to take an upcoming class.

Sending Healing Grids

You can make a grid to send healing. Here are three suggestions:

1. An actual tree. You can place your crystals around a tree to represent the “tree of life” and all the branches and family members. Place a healing crystal at its base and send in healing. If you do not have a tree outside, you can print one off or use a plant in your home. Plants absorb negativity and will be perfect for this!

2. A photo of your loved one. Perhaps you are working on a pattern from someone. Say for example, Uncle Ross has an addiction problem and so does his son. You can take a photo of Uncle Ross and place healing crystal on him to do the work.

3. Family tree chart. If you know your family, you can print off a family tree chart and place healing crystals on each member of the family for the problem you are sending healing to.

When To Perform the Work

You will want to make sure its a full moon since it has the most releasing energy during that time. Look at your calendar to plan accordingly.

During the Samhain, October 31st, 2020 – November 1st is a great time for healing ancestors!

Crystals to Work With

Petrified wood is my go-to. It has been around for years and holds many memories and patterns within it. Other choices:

  • Ammonite
  • Elestial Quartz
  • Spirit Quartz
  • Brandenberg

Shamanic Practice

Start your ceremony by leaving a gift for the Earth. Thanking Mother Earth for all that she has done to support us in our lives. Thank your Spirit Team for supporting you and bringing guidance along your journey.

Some ideas for gifts can be: cornmeal, tobacco, flowers, chocolate, anything from your heart as a token of appreciation.

After this, you will want to set up your grid, however you choose. A photo, an actual tree, a plant, etc. Make sure you choose a healing stone from the list above (If you are attuned to Crystal Reiki, add in the Spiritual Energies Symbol given in Level Two) and place it in your hand or on the grid, whichever feel right. Sit and get centered before starting your journey.

The Shamanic Journey

You will always want to state your intention at the beginning of each journey. It can be as simple as,

I send healing to the emotional abuse patterns that have been passed down through my grandfathers lineage healing the anger and frustration that stemmed from the hardship of society.
I send blessings and love to him. And so it is.”

Be specific with your intention. Every thing we do, everything we say creates a pattern in our life. A cord is created. If that cord is a negative influencing one, we must be specific in our request to bring love, peace and harmony to it.

After this, you will want to go on a journey. You will meet your guide and allow the journey and healing to take place. After your journey, remember to give thanks for all who assisted you.