Crystal Reiki Center Shadow Work Session

Shadow Work Session

I am so glad you are here and ready to look at the other side of you! Ready to integrate both parts – your Shadow and Light! For more information on the Shadow, please read here.

Is there somewhere you feel stuck?

This is where we start! We go for the conflict, issue, problem where we feel stuck in. Somewhere that we really really want a breakthrough but can’t seem to make way.

Have Any of These Thoughts?

I feel lost. What is my purpose? Am I doing the right thing?

Why doesn’t anyone love me? Why can’t I find the right relationship? Why is everyone such a jerk!

I’m so mad and can’t figure out why! I want to become healthy but life just knocks me down.

I want to have money, but I can’t seem to figure out how. I want to leave my job and do my passion, but I can’t, it pays the bills and yet I’m miserable.

I don’t have good self-esteem, I’m such a loser. Why does that person get all the gold? What makes them special and not me?

I have anxiety and I dont know why!

Stuck on a passed memory and need it to move?

The list goes on and on and on. These thoughts and feelings are the shadow aspect of you! Anything that says you are less then, not the Light and finding your heart not blare wide open is not you. It’s not who you are.

What is a session like with me?

My judgements are non existent. This work is about you and your relationship with yourself. I am the facilitator that can get you in the deep places you need to release from. And believe me, I have heard a lot, so nothing really surprises me. You are working with me in a safe and sacred space.

Session Outlined:

  • Our work is done over the phone. This way you can close your eyes, relax and process the information that is coming through.
  • I will walk you through small meditations to get you in your body and in your subconscious. We will explore your energy body and physical body to find the imprint.
  • I will ask you specific questions to locate the original imprint
  • Soul Retrieval: This part may sound scary but its not. It’s an integration from the past to now.
  • While you are releasing, I am drawing my gingerbread body (which is you), and I will do my part in releasing your energy fields as well. This is the shaman in me at work and holding sacred space for you.
  • We work with the THREE aspects of you: Inner Child, Present Day, Higher Self
  • Integration: Your follow up email will include crystals to work if you choose. Crystals will assist you on an energetic level to release the old patterns and integrate the new.

What Can You Expect:

A shift within yourself. An awareness of something bigger that you may not have known before. Many things are so tightly woven into our psyche, our being. We are unraveling the puzzle in a gentle and effective way.


First Session: $125, 75-90 minutes

Sessions to Follow: $100 up to 60 minute sessions.